A Conversation for Vegemite


Post 1

Goddess of Timewasting and Procrastination

But I like vegemite. It's good for hangovers!


Post 2


Boo for Vegemite....Yay for Aussiemite! At least it isn't owned by an American Cigarette company. smiley - smiley


Post 3

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Vegemite is good for hangovers only because it is a rich source of the vitamin B group. When you drink alot, you actually lose vitamin B out of your body.

As for Aussiemite, if I had a bit of money, I would back it. I was not impressed to here that an American Tobacco company owns Kraft which makes Vegemite. I just hope they come up with a better taste.


Post 4


Aussiemite is comming - backed by Dick Smith.

As for Vegimite being a trick for tourists, Americans don't like it because they eat it wrong. They slap it on like it's peanut butter then get the shock of their lives. You start with bread, put a generous ammount of butter on it, then apply the vegemite ever so carefully, so you can still see streaks of butter through it - delicious!


Post 5

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

That's the way I do it too. I am not a huge fan, but every so often I get a craving for it. A whole jar would last me a life time though

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