A Conversation for Don't Panic

H2G2 servers

Post 1

GNP Aaron

What is with the H2G2 servers? Is the site recieving too many hits? I can't get here for hours at a time! My connection is Ok, other sites work, but H2G2 is usually not accessible!

H2G2 servers

Post 2


Right 1st guess smiley - winkeye
According to 'official' posts by TDV staff the site is being swamped by large numbers of users (new & not so new) & the tech staff (sometimes known as the guys with the StarTrek names) are frantically beavering away in the bowels of H2G2 getting it sorted.

There's quite a conversation about it over here -> http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?thread=20942&forum=9598
with official comment.


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