A Conversation for Don't Panic

GuideML parser down?

Post 1


Is the GuideML system having a burke at the moment? Whenever I try to preview a GuideML h2g2 submission (using Netscape Nav 4.05 on an iMac with Mac OS 8.6 + all firmware upgrades), Netscape tells me that "the document contains no data." After that, I get the usual "Please do not push this button again."


best to all here,

pipeline (Dave Williams)

GuideML parser down?

Post 2


Did you possibly leave a footnote tag unclosed?

Unless this was fixed in the last overhaul, this will cause your page to disappear and that 'document contains no data' message.

GuideML parser down?

Post 3


I didn't think so, but I'll have a look-see...


Post 4


smiley - fish ::virtual fish loaded

Putting tags in pullquotes is evil. Also, removing them then trying again helpeth not. Ye must do it from scratch. Good thing I dragged the entire thing onto the Notepad before I tested it.

d [p]


Post 5


Was it closed? smiley - winkeye


Post 6


smiley - fish ::vfl

It was most definitely closed. In accordance with XML/GuideML rules, too. Odd.

Ah, well.

d [p]


Post 7


Hmmm.. That's a weirdie and one I'd never heard of, but then, I've never used the pullquote. Thanks for the information.

There are a few other buggies I've found, but that's to be expected. smiley - winkeye


Post 8


How do we tell the editors that we seem to have found a bug in GuideML?


Post 9


Best plan is to post the actual code that caused the problem here. They cruise through fairly regulary.


Ah. (Mk. II)

Post 10


Okay, XML boffins. Here is the offending code (complete with half-written article). It also swaps to footnote font, colour, size etc. in the main window after my first footnote. I can't see anything overtly wrong, though.

Work is defined by the Pocket Oxford Dictionary"Fourth Edition 1942; This reprint with corrections 1957" as:work. 1. n.Application of effort to a purpose, force in action, doing of something, a task or the materials to be operated on, doings or experiences of specified kind, employment esp. as a means of earning money, a thing done or made, a product or manifestation.
To elaborate, work is what most people do all the time. Love it or loathe it, it is through work that most people leave an imprint on society and the universe at large.
Humans & Work
Daily life seems to have been a struggle for humans since before we were recognisable as humans. Living has required the expenditure of lots of effort on both a group and an individual basis."Living has required the expenditure of lots of effort on both a group and an individual basis." Finding food, finding shelter, fighting off wild creatures; all these activities were essential to survival. But work as a day-in, day-out experience came about when weHumans. started to settle into communities that were based around a herd of livestock and/or farming the land. Instead of the daily struggle to gather or hunt food, life became easier as people began to worry less about where the next meal was coming from. People in these communities started to take on functions in the group that were more specialised. These people might not have a role in food production, like the old days, but would focus their efforts upon


Post 11


Post it to their home page (Jim Lynn, Mark Moxon, Yoz) or to either Don't Panic or ask H2G2 or one of those forums. (Don't Panic is easier to get to. smiley - winkeye)

Ah. (Mk. II)

Post 12


The tag seems to have a bug - it seems it sets the font attributes for the box heading & then closes them twice - ooopsy. As a workaround you could add after each and close the font at the end of the article. Alternatively, you could wrap your with a boxholder - syntax etc same as now - but that changes the appearance of the box title bar.

I'm not sure but I think your problem with inside PULLQUOTES might be covered by Jim Lynn in his 2nd post here http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?thread=19608&forum=432
Hope this helps

PS I'll let 'em know about the BOX tag bug


Post 13


The XML parser is maintained by Shim and Jim - best bother them about it rather than Mark or me. But I'll point this one out to them.

-- Yoz


Post 14


Just out of curiosity.. has anyone tried the latest Mozilla (M13 or the newest doze nightly build) on h2g2? I've just d/l'd it, but have yet to install.


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