A Conversation for Lego

Legos Rule!

Post 1

Researcher 195710

Lego bricks and the Lego system are the greatest creation in existense. They allow for architectual enginearing and other educational stuff but mainley, they allow people the ability to create and destroy their own worlds. I obviously have no life.

Legos Rule!

Post 2

Arwen, Queen of Reunited Gondor and Arnor

I agree wholeheartedly! Legos are just about the coolest toy ever because they are so incredibly versatile. There is NO limit to the things one can construct with enough bricks. Also, for people with way too much time on their hands and that have no life (i.e. me!) it gives you something at least moderately constructive to do with your time.

Legos Rule!

Post 3


Hey, the plural for Lego is not legos, it is just lego, or lego bricks, just trying to help smiley - winkeye (sorry, i am a lego purist)

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