A Conversation for How a Laser Printer operates

A454547 - How a Laser Printer operates

Post 21

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

My new one is a Canon with separate cartridges for every colour, and the black ink tank is one of the cheapest in the shop smiley - smiley
These days, ink printers are about the price of two of their cartridges, and I don't support that smiley - steam

A454547 - How a Laser Printer operates

Post 22


Yeah. The price thing really bites now.

The only time that it gets back to "normal" is when you start getting in the higher end stuff. (Comsumables being cheaper then the printer)

A454547 - How a Laser Printer operates

Post 23

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Yes, like the laser printers in my office. The toner cartridge is available for some 300EUR and I don't want to know the price of the printer itself smiley - yikes

Subbing stuff

Post 24


jecook, welcome back, and congratulations. smiley - smiley I'm the SubEditor who's just received your entry. It doesn't look like there's too much editing to do... there's that first person thing and some formatting, but hey, formatting is what I *live for* smiley - online2long. Feel free to drop by


...and see my editing work in progress. Incidentally, that's the version that will go to the front page; your original version is yours to keep forever and we editors can't get our hands on it. smiley - winkeye

So, I'll use Hell's replacement first paragraph, eh? There's another bit of first person at the beginning of the 'Popular Brands' section. Is there a particular way you'd like to change that, or shall I just do whatever?

Anyway, for any changes or additions, now is a great time to tell me about them. In a few days, I'll send this off to the Towers, and then it will still be possible to make changes, but it's easier now.

So, thanks for the entry, and I'll see ya 'round. smiley - ok


Subbing stuff

Post 25


Here's a possible re-write:

Popular Brands

These are brands that a printer technician might recommend to people if asked. Any printer in the market today are fine for personal and occasional use, but specific printers are capable of delivering specific needs and features.

* Hewlett-Packard is the de facto standard for most businesses. They are widely available, relatively easy to fix, and quite reliable. They have a wide varity of models for a wide variety of uses, ranging from a home office to a departmental printer. They also have several models of color laser printers on the market.

* Xerox are more known for their copy machines (which are based on the same process), but they do make a solid quality printer. they are more oriented towards the business market, and have everything from a executive printer to a machine that can double as a departmental copier.

* Lexmark is a former division of IBM. They make a good solid range of printers. Lexmark is aimed at the entire market, and have a wide range of printers to choose from.

* Okidata are known for their rugged dot matrix printers, they make a good, affordable laser printer based on LED technology. Instead of using a laser beam to create the image, they use two rows of densely placed laser emitting diodes above the imaging drum. This makes the printers less expensive to make. Okidata is aimed more at the home users and small businesses.

Subbing stuff

Post 26


Changes implemented. That definitely helps. Thanks. smiley - ok Coming right along.

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