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Post 1


Today is the day I begin my quest.
My quest is to find a copy (hardcover or paperback) of the novel
Shibumi by Trevanian. One which contains the full unedited version
which outlines a plan to steal a famous work of art from a very famous museum in france. Okay, the actual reason for my quest is to be able to read the other scene which was edited out...Yes it was a sex scene.
So if anyone who reads this has it-please let me know!
My younger brother is in London now, and he has e-mailed me that he's found a place which sells brown beans, chips, and sausages-ALL IN ONE CAN!
Can this be true? Do such wonders actually exist? Can I get it in Canada? Is there a toy inside?

Rabbit out


Post 2

Researcher 192302

Okay grantd this is quite a bit since you posted this but did you, by any chance, ever find an unedited copy of Shibumi? I've been looking for one for a couple of years now. I've managed to find a couple of very old print copies but none of them were the original.
And if you did find one, where on god's green earth!

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