This is the Message Centre for BeerMatt

To buy or not to buy...?!?

Post 1


...Is that the question...?!? NO

I was sitting at work today, and thought that I should really get myself some more t-shirts (my office is casual dress).

I'm not really into clothes that have lots of flash logos on, but I have to confess that I do quite like the h2g2 t-shirt design.

Do I buy one... I think that the answer is yes...!

I should get paid this Friday and I think that the credit card could do with a dusting.

smiley - fish

To buy or not to buy...?!?

Post 2


Hello again,

just wanted to tell you that I got my h2g2 t-shirt a couple months back and it rocks smiley - smiley Enjoy yours (if you decide to get one).

See you in the café


To buy or not to buy...?!?

Post 3


Tomorrow is pay day, and I definitly think that I'm going to have to get a t-shirt...!

Watch this space for a further review of the h2g2 fabric.!

smiley - fish

To buy or not to buy...?!?

Post 4


Well - The deed has been done... All I can do now is wait. smiley - smiley

I have to confess that buying a t-shirt off of the internet has never been easier (no faffy 'need to register' first).

The only thing I thought strange is that they didn't do a smiley - fish size.

Still not to worry - BeerMatt

To buy or not to buy...?!?

Post 5


In my usual running from point 'A' to point 'B', and then back again, I remembered that I haven't told you all about the arrival of my new T-Shirt.

What can I say, it arrived within about 4 days of me ordering it, and it's lovely.... I love it, I love it, I love it... What more can I say... smiley - smiley

...but everyone should have one.

- BeerMatt

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