This is the Message Centre for BIGstan

Hi Honey!

Post 1

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

An unofficial welcome to h2g2 seemed in order, especially as you claim to be one of my children. are a cute little devil, aren't you? Could be.... Anyway, I'm sure an ACE or Guardian Angel will pop in to familiarize you with the works in the near future. Meanwhile, feel free to come to my place for dinner, and meet some of the gang. {kisses him on the cheek and wipes the smudge of lipstick from his face with her thumb} See you later, honey!

Hi Honey!

Post 2


Dinner, eh?....sounds like a plan. Do you like sushi? I know of this little place with the most awesome California rolls....

drop me a line...

BTW...leave the lipstick on next time. I like the stares from other people when I have lipstick on places other than my lips....sctatch that last statement. It might be taken the wrong way....although if it is taken the wrong way, and this is not disagreeable, then it might not be a bad thing....

Never mind. I think i might be giving the wrong first impression. I am not a 21 year old sex fiend.

I am 27.


Hi Honey!

Post 3


Hello, I am the ACE, come to greet you. But way way too slow. Four days! Losing my touch smiley - sadface Ah well, as mentioned I am an Assistant Community Editor, here to help out, if needed smiley - smiley So if you have any questions about, or problems with, the site, hit 'reply' below and yell smiley - smiley I shall do what I can to make your time here as painless and as smooth as possible smiley - smiley Oh say hi to Eddy Fate smiley - smiley and until later....
BCNU - Crescent

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