This is the Message Centre for Montana Redhead (now with letters)

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 1


Hah! I thought that would get your attention. It will look positively thrilling on your space and it will certainly draw other horny souls to respond to you. smiley - tongueout

Not that you don't have enough horn dogs sniffing around at this time.

I think we're the only Montanans on this site. What do you think?

Hello and welcome to the nutty, nerdy world of h2g2. I'm trying to get up the courage to submit entry...oooooo. On what though? I know I should start by writing about things I'm familiar with: men, booze, controlled substances, history, politics, philosophy, dildos....

*dramatic silence*

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 2

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

well, you know, it's not the number of sniffers, but the quality. And all I can seem to attract is alcoholics, pot heads, and german boys who tend to get their student visas revoked on technicalities. So much for the quality, eh?
smiley - winkeye

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 3


Truly an instance of neither quality or quantity being satisfactory.

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 4

Glo in the dark (part2)

well, i love redheads, so i thought id join in with this orgasms conversation!

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 5


Well, unfortunately Glo in the etc., etc.... as you can see, it's not about orgasms per se. It was an eyecatching title I put on a forum for the Goddess' page.
She is, however a flaming redhead. I myself just have chestnut-colored hair. Plenty of red highlights, but nominally brown.
I have the temprament of a redhead, though! smiley - winkeye Does that count?

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 6


Red, you've been quiet, too quiet. I'm just dropping by to update you on some of the postively exciting crap I've been doing on this website. Arrrrgh...KBGA is playing some really annoying be-bop jazz, hold on, I have to change the channel...aaaaaa...

*unclenches jaw*

Okay. First off I've submitted two guide entries "Ghost Towns" and "MadLibs". Read them on my page (Under the Guide Entries heading on the left-hand margin) and tell me what you think. smiley - smiley Thanks a bunch!

And, I'm learning how the use the Guide ML Format to my best advantage. It lets you do all kinds of wacky stuff, italics, pictures, links, bold headers, etc. So now I have direct links and a welcome mat put out to one of my favorite websites and your and our mysterious friend 42's humble abodes on my personal space. Take a look at that! Ain't technology grand!

Have a swell day, Red. smiley - smiley

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 7

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Look, I am back among the wired world! My computer is home, things seem to be working well, and I am crossing my fingers that it stays that way. The hub is on the couch, spending the evening, and you won't even see this til Monday....sometime after the seventh, I am going to need an evening of cheese and more cheese. So maybe plan ahead, or I may just show up at your house with a wheel of brie.
He he he.

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 8


Oh no, I volunteered to work Friday, as you can see by this posting. Money, money, money, that's what it's all about!

It's not as if I have anything better to do. I refuse to go shopping this weekend. I just saw the family yesterday, and will again tonight. And, I ate myself stupid yesterday, so I need to be doing something other than laying around Casa de Rebecca. Sitting in a chair dealing with people's odd e-mail questions ("I'm writing a screenplay and I need to know if there was slavery in Montana in the 1840's?"....duh) seems like the way to go.

I'd like it if you showed up at my house with the Brie that's wrapped in puff pastry, and you bake in the oven so that it gets all nice and gooey...or feta, gruyere, myzithra, stilton, asiago, kasseri, Tillamook Extra Sharp cheddar, oh I could go on and on until I have a cheese orgasm...

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 9

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I'm thinking a baked brie with pears, or, even better....Stilton with pears and black pepper crackers. Or a nice goat cheese with grapes and melon slices...should I tease you any longer, you cheese slut?

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 10


Thanks a lot. Now I'm sitting in the dreaded "cheese wet spot".

*scurries to the ladies' to mop herself up*

Still, it's better than "cheeseus interruptus". smiley - nahnah

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 11

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

or the cheese wedgie.
come here, little girl. I've got a really fresh buffalo mozzarella for you...smiley - winkeye

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 12


smiley - bigeyes

*sees said cheese*

Oooooooooo.....I'm coming, Oh God, I'm coming....oh, oh, oh, AAAAAAA!

smiley - silly

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 13

marvthegrate LtG KEA

You ladies sure know how to grab a AB's attention Just stopping by Red to let you know that you are welcomed into the CotTB. FG are you a Bob perhaps?


One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 14


No Marv, I'm not a Bob, I'm a Rebecca.

Red, on the link you've got to my space, make sure (go to Edit Entry) that the "H2G2 Bio" link starts with the letter U, not A. That is, it should read and not "A123456". If it says "A" just go ahead and change it. But just the letter, nothing else. Or I'll have to come over and work on it again. And you know you don't want THAT!

*Starts smelling the cheese aura emanating from the Redhead residence*


Post 15

marvthegrate LtG KEA

This post has been removed.

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 16

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Alas, poor miss, I am cheeseless (GASP!) until Friday, when I get paid. Until then, in fact, I am penniless, cheeseless (unless you count the shaving of parmesan reggio I have in the fridge), and frankly, quite content to be that way, as my life tends to get out of hand when I have large quantities of cheese around: strange women start showing up at my door, asking for milk, and men tend to bring me beer. So there is that. Call me...we'll do cheese soon.

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 17


Ah, Marv, now I see the light. You're referring to my job. No, I work for Travel Montana, our state's travel promotion bureau. People ask me via phone, e-mail, snail mail, in person, etc., where to go, what to do, what to see, where to hunt, hike, fish, whitewater raft, mountain climb, experience living history, and anything else about this state that they are interested in. I'm a clearinghouse for information, sort of the "person in the know", the ombudsman if you will. I help locate towns, streams, storylines, and sanity.

If you can't tell so far, I love my job. No kidding! smiley - biggrin

Red, if there's no cheese, then there's no me. Sorry, but it's time to face facts. I'm a cheese slut. smiley - silly

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 18

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Okay, well, does cream cheese count?!
I am off to the weekly pub quiz. Hope like hell someone else shows up...getting tired of playing alone. Am thinking of no longer being BOB, but something else. Like I AM THE QUEEN OF CHEESE. Or something like that. But anyway...
have a lovely evening.
I'm off.

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 19

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I love Montana. I live in Utah and have gone on a few fishing trips to Clarks Canyon resevouir. Beautiful country.

One Hell of an Orgasm

Post 20


Just Clark Canyon? Well, then you've missed out on some of the prettier parts of Montana. Not that the Red Rock Valley isn't nice, the wide open spaces, the high desert, the dramatic cliff formations, but Red's and my neck of the proverbial woods is quite charming. We're in West-Central Montana, about 50 miles from the Idaho border. The Bitterroot Range alone is one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the Rockies, with plenty of hiking, Nordic skiing, berry picking, mountain climbing, hunting, fishing, and lots of wilderness to get lost in. Ahhhhh.....smiley - biggrin

I've always wanted to see the Four Corners area, especially Mesa Verde, Canyon de Chelly, and Chaco Canyon. Since childhood, I've had a fascination with the Anasazi--long before they became fashionable. One of these days I plan on taking a couple of weeks off and touring your part of country. I know that Moab is a little north of the way, how do you like it there? My best friend used to live in Kanab, and she has nothing but scary stories about the populace of Southern Utah.

Life is funny. I started out in this world as the ultimate in San Francisco urbanites. After more than 10 years up here, I've gone native.

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