A Conversation for Religions of the World

Alternative Writing Workshop: A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 1

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02


This is actually just a compilation of an old text in worldwide circulation. Anyone know something to add?

A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 2

Martin Harper

sorry - humourous entries like this aren't really part of the guide... have you considered adding it to the "So Long and Thanks for Laughing" page?

A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 3

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02

No. Where is that?

A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 4

Martin Harper

It's at :- ( http://www.h2g2.com/A227440 ) rules are there.

A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 5

Martin Harper

As I mentioned - this is a humour entry - and humour entries are not meant to be part of the guide. Unless you have any objections, I will be recommending we move this to the writing workshop - where the community as a whole can create a collaborative masterpiece on the subject.

(read: can descend into a bitter flame war and take several weeks to emerge).

Do keep writing - but next time try and slip some content in between the l-o-ls, eh?

A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 6

Tschörmen (german) -|-04.04.02

Do whatever you like. I just left it here from pure uninconvinience. Didn´t have a mind to track things up. But I am hoping to getting around to writing something.

A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 7

h2g2 auto-messages

This Conversation has been moved to the new 'Alternative Writing Workshop' as it doesn't necessarily fit the guidelines for the Edited Guide at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/Writing-Guidelines (and Peer Review and the Writing Workshop are now only for discussion of entries that are being put up for the Edited Guide).

A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 8

a girl called Ben

Anna has offered to clear out AWW for us. This one would seem to be a candidate for that.


A447509 - Religions of the world

Post 9


I agree: though it is quite a humourous piece a) it's all in code and b) it's been circulated around the world on various postcards, emails etc.

Tschörmen also appears to have left the building, as does his alter-ego Englander...

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