A Conversation for Supermarket


Post 1

Black Magik

I believe in American culture, at least, that the part "Super" on "Supermarket" means that said establishment also is a purveyor of products beyond general foodstuffs.


Post 2

Researcher 30256

Indeed a "supermarket" in Britain normally sells more than food, but most are predominately food based. The word 'super' in facts refers to the size of the outlet; in fact many would more correctly be called 'hyper'markets to refect their size.


Post 3

Researcher 29614

"Super" refers to the fact that you need "Superhuman" abilities to steer the shopping trolleys.


Post 4

Researcher 31570

Surely, on a Saturday, with too many people, noisy kids and colliding shopping trolleys, a supermarket is verily hell on earth!


Post 5


Most sell items other than foodstuffs (or food-like substances); however, in the region near Austin, Texas, USA, there are some stores that the natives complained (until recently) didn't even sell things as useful as paper towels.


Post 6

Researcher 33082

Supermarkets are called so because it is a superhuman feat of management to make
it so that everyone has a trolley, except you...

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