A Conversation for ACES v ANGELS


Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

So are we all greeting the newbies, Angels ... and ACES . Is that in the subject box? As I normally type "welcome to h2g2" then as a first line "Hello ______ and welcome to h2g2...Is the 3 dots going there?
I think this should be made clear, before we start! Thanks!


Post 2

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

I presume that this means the subject. It's fairly easy to distinguish between the two when you read the actual greeting.


Post 3

Newcomers 2h2g2

Yes thats right, the subject heading. This way you can see which group posted it just by visiting the page - this will save time opening the forum to see if it was posted by an Ace or an Angel.
vegsmiley - smiley


Post 4

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Sounds reasonable to me smiley - smiley. Is the new list on it's way yet?


Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

This may become habit-forming...
Hello Kheldar...
smiley - tongueout...


Post 6

Newcomers 2h2g2

Yes it is now up at

Catcha there
Vegsmiley - smiley

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