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Recipe for Disaster

Post 1



1 new couch
1 satellite tv remote
1 cat
1 bowl of soup

Mix together and add cold water, towels, stain remover, a blow dryer and panic. Shake well and serve!

Recipe for Disaster

Post 2

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Oops! Let me're sitting on the new couch, watching satelite TV. You set down the remote on Lucy, who had come up without your notice. She gets rattled and jumps down, thereby spilling the soup you set on the cushion?

Recipe for Disaster

Post 3


Close but no chocolate truffle. Yes, I'm sitting on the new couch, watching satellite tv, but I'm changing the channel with a bowl of soup in my lap. Up jumps Lucy and the soup goes on her, me, the couch and the remote. The remote is currently drying out. I think it will be okay. Lucy smells like garlic and ginger, and my pajamas are in the laundry basket. I've decided this incident will also be referred to as "The Anointing of The Couch".

Hell, if Ashcroft can use Crisco, then I can use mushroom broth!

Recipe for Disaster

Post 4

Montana Redhead (now with letters)


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