This is the Message Centre for Pokerizer

Hello Pokerizer...

Post 1


..and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley I am Crescent, one of the many Assistant Community Editors (or ACEs) that live hereabouts smiley - smiley We wander h2g2 looking for new recruits to meet and greet smiley - smiley We also lend helping hands, if needed, so if you have any problems with, or questions about, the site ask away smiley - smiley Click 'reply' below and tell us all about it, we shall do what we can to make your entrance to h2g2 as painless as possible smiley - smiley Well, unitl later.....
BCNU - Crescent

Hello Pokerizer...

Post 2


You shall be thanked, my dear friend. I shall ask you in the appropriate time, right this moment I have a very nice girl I have to chat with though. I hope you can live with that... if not then I shall be sorry for you but I will not mourn.

Hello Pokerizer...

Post 3

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

You are a bit of a flirt aren't you Pokerizer? All these girls turning up. Wimmin mad I tell you. Well, which men aren't ? (Apart from the obvious)

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