This is the Message Centre for Gnomon - time to move on

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 101

You can call me TC

Wasn't this thread about a hedgehog at some point? I am boringly careful - or perhaps just lucky - and can't remember ever having had anything exciting like a chip pan fire happening. Our telly has occasinallly been hit by lightning, but as we had lightning-proof plugs in the sockets, nothing really got damaged.

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 102

Gnomon - time to move on

It was about a hedgehog, TC, but he went away and hasn't returned, so we've been nattering.

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 103


Here's a tip: don't put Sharwoods Ready to Eat poppadoms in the toaster. Or at least, if you do, keep the fire blanket handy.
smiley - tongueout

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 104


Hi, Zube,

I'll give the poppadoms to my badgers thensmiley - biggrin

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 105

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Poppadoms microwave beautifully. But don't bother with the Sharwoods rip-offs. Rundon'twalk to your friendly neighbourhood Asian food store and buy the flat-pack ones in 'interesting' subcontinental packaging.

On guilty occured to me last night that it might be a useful strategy in the longer run. If we all feel guilty enough, we might all rise up and start to hold industries to account.

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 106

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I've not tried microwaving a hedgehog, though. Yet. smiley - run

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 107


I've heard that the best way to cook a hedgehog is to cover it in clay and then bake it. Supposedly all the spines stick in the clay, leaving you with the good bit.

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 108

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

...although the good bit really *is* only a bit. I'm told.


Q How do you turn a duck into a soul singer?
A Put it in a microwave until its Bill Withers.

Hedgehog? What hedgehog?

Post 109

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

smiley - headhurtsThat was painful.

TRiG.smiley - groan


Post 110


So there I was, standing at the back door, and a flash of movement caught my eye. The grass is fairly long now, it hasn't been cut since the start of September. I thought it was a rat at first, and then I heard the Shnuffeling. smiley - smiley


Post 111

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Can I give a word of warning!

Do not coat the Hedgehog in Clay!!!

I tried this in 1976, on a Duke of Edinburgh's Silver course across the South Downs.

smiley - blush I thought I was being clever, and caught two hedgehogs that I promptly covered in clay.

Unfortunatley, they grew legs and walked out of the fire, only for me to reinsert them.

Eventually they ceased to try to remove themselves and we sat down to supper only to find that their innards had contaminated their flesh. smiley - groan

It was then explained that the poor creature needed to be dead first. I've never cooked a hedgehog since.

smiley - ghost

smiley - musicalnote


Post 112


There's a film in that story, MMF! smiley - laugh Naw, I was amazed to see the wee thing sniffing my shoes. Well, I heard it more than I saw it!

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