This is the Message Centre for Annie ™


Post 1


Annie - if you are thinking about a new camera I have one that is now not used. It's the same as Uschi's and it's good.
I've posted pics from it online before now and you've seen them.
I don't want to mention it on CB as it will look like I'm touting it.
If you want details let me know - I have pics and reviews - if not no offence taken!


Post 2

Annie ™

Thanks Scoobs

I am interested in another camera but I think I need to wait until after christmas as I also have a birthday before then too.
Although hints could well be falling on deaf ears. I have a few much cheaper things on my list so I may well be looking for one in the new year.


Post 3


Hi Annie - I may well still have it in the New Year as I haven't yet actively tried to sell it. It has spare battery, charger, camera bag etc.
If you want details at all just say and I will E them to you.
If not, as I said, no offence.

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