A Conversation for Keepers Home Page

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 1


I humbly submit a request to be appointed "Keeper of the Sunset Ritual". It's a big thing here in Key West, and I've had plenty of practice. I can name all four hundred "great places to sit, drink and view the sunset", and I can correctly predict what color will be prevalent for the day.(!)

Do I get extra points for the first quarter moon rising as the sun sets? What about Venus? Sirius?

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Well you sure know how to get a girl's attention...smiley - tongueout

The title of Keeper of the Sunset Ritual is hereby awarded to KWDavesmiley - smiley Sunset is my favourite time of the day...knowing I am just minutes away from seeing my first love, the night skysmiley - bigeyes
My pleasure to give you this title & thank you for your description.
I would like plenty of reports...smiley - winkeye

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 3


Hey, G-Babe! Been looking all over for you and in the process I noticed that you offered the title of Keeper of Secrets to Mixed Nuts over a week ago, but as far as I can see they haven't been here to claim it properly. Please please please can I have it?
(And here's your perfect chance to get even and turn me down...)smiley - winkeye

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 4


Ach! Sycophant! You interfere with Galactic Business! Find a "new conversation" button, and mash IT !

It is with greatest pleasure that I accept the proclamation of the Archangel Galaxy Babe. It was unknown to me that the Prelude to Indigo was your favorite, or I would have embellished mercilessly.
You have undoubtedly been spared many awkward moments.

Many thanks. You may look forward to various and sundry colorful evenings' discourse. Please note that I wasted no time with the addendum to the appellation, as well as an update to the meager c.v.

Again, humbly, I thank you.

KWDave, Keeper of the Sunset Ritual.

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 5


Sorry Dave, didn't mean to rain on your sunset as it were, it's just that I'd been looking for G-Babe for quite some time and your thread was the one with the hottest scent, she had been here 2 minutes before me, and I couldn't resist the chance of catching up with her.

And now I've done it again, haven't I? When you saw that there was a reply to your latest posting here you may have thought that it was from the divine creature herself, only to find stupid old me here once more. Well, sorry again. However, if you plan to stick around h2g2, you're going to find that people come barging in quite shamelessly all the time around here. It adds to the charm of the site I think. You're never alone and all that. But I won't bother you again on this particular conversation. That's a Promise. smiley - winkeye

Respectfully yours,

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

KWDave and Wizard, I hope you are ~both~ safisfied now?smiley - winkeye

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 7


Not a problem, Wizard, just lost my mellow there for a moment, what with the gigantic and awesome responsibility of the position and what not. String along anytime.

Petition for Keeper Title

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

KWDave, I want to hear about all the beautiful ones you see/share...ok?smiley - bigeyes

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