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Keeper of Assorted Articles of Clothing That A. No Longer Fit B. Are No Longer In Style C. Both In The Hopes of A. Fitting In B. A Fashion Renaissance C. Both

Post 1


thank you smiley - smiley

Keeper of Assorted Articles of Clothing That A. No Longer Fit B. Are No Longer In Style C. Both In The Hopes of A. Fitting In B. A Fashion Renaissance C. Both

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

The title of Keeper of Assorted Articles of Clothing That A. No Longer Fit B. Are No Longer In Style C. Both In The Hopes of A. Fitting In B. A Fashion Renaissance C. Both is hereby awarded to christirose-Haribol!

smiley - bubbly


p.s. Do you want the half of my wardrobe, quoted above?smiley - yikes

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Keeper of Assorted Articles of Clothing That A. No Longer Fit B. Are No Longer In Style C. Both In The Hopes of A. Fitting In B. A Fashion Renaissance C. Both

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