A Conversation for Keepers Home Page

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 1

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

Some bugger's already chosen to be Goa'uld grrrrr
I deserve to be this keeper because, umm I smear jam on my ears?!?

I'll dance!!!! anything.....pleeeessseeee

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Only just, too!
smiley - doh

The title of Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore is hereby awarded to Mallory Ringess.
smiley - bubbly

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 3

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

Oh thank you o'wise one, I shall not let you down

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 4


Hey! I'm not a bugger, and yes, it was only just, by about 12 hours...

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin

Nice to have you both as Keepers!
smiley - cheers
Stargate certainly was lacking around here.

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 6


*Dials up the Asgard Homeworld*
Very useful, and now I'm the keeper of it...

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - wow

Oh yes.....*dreams*
Not a thing I'd get bored of, the Stargate.

Tell me, is there a place with two or threesmiley - moonin the sky, the trees are lush and plentiful, the water is crystal clear and the sky is turquoise ??
And the indiginous life-forms are interesting and friendly?

smiley - bigeyes

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 8

Lord Mallory Ringess - Voodoo Warrior to the rich and famous, owner of the Necronomicon and wearer of nice hats

Yes px243, I have the co-ordinates if you would like them

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 9


*Dials co-ordinates into DHD*

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*drags in heavy suitcase*

smiley - headhurts

*mops brow*

I'm ~phew~ almost ready....


smiley - tongueout

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 11


Just dialled up!

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*waits for the wave*

smiley - wow

smiley - ermis Jack coming?smiley - tongueout

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 13


I think he's already there with the rest of SG-1

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 14

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*applies make-up and smelly*

OK, I'm ready now.

smiley - bigeyes

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 15


*jumps through Stargate*

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 16

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Nice 'ere, innit?

smiley - bubbly
Would you like somesmiley - strawberrywith thatsmiley - bubblyJack?

smiley - bigeyes

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 17


*Disappears with Daniel...*

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 18

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*waits impatiently*

*looks at Jack skinny-dipping*

smiley - bigeyes

*goes to check the water temperature*

Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 19



Keeper of the temple of Tok'ra, and all symbiotic parasites, oh, and Roger Moore

Post 20

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*splashes about*


Nice view here....smiley - bigeyes

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