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Smarties tops (& related chocolatey ephemera)

Post 1


Please can I be Keeper of Smarties tops (& related chocolatey ephemera). Please. I started collecting the God-forsaken little plastic blighters around 17 years ago,(my god that's half a lifetime), for no other reason than I was sitting my exams at the time and they made a much noisier alternative to the Polos that evryone else munched on. And the invigilators couldn't complain. From there it's slowly drifted up to about 2000 tops, plus assorted little boxes and baggies and stuff. i did have a LOT more, but domestic bliss and old age has led me to dispose of a lot (ie all) of the the geeky stuff (Easter egg boxes etc). And my PA broke my mug.
(If you know of anyone with a little brown Mk1 Smarties mug the e-mail address is on My Space.)

Smarties tops (& related chocolatey ephemera)

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I am really sorry but http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/U125489 Frankie Roberto is my Keeper of Smarties Tube Lids.

If you could check the Keeper list and choose something not already taken I will be pleased to award you a title.

smiley - choc

By the way, do you know there's asmiley - chocLovers Fan Club on h2g2?
smiley - biggrin

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Smarties tops (& related chocolatey ephemera)

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