A Conversation for Frank Zappa

Don't eat Yello w Snow

Post 1

Drool Frood the Second

Watch out where the Huskies go!!!!!
One word for Zappa---Genius.
HAving seen him perform live twice in my life it just confirmed it.
The music is soooooo tight and the lyrics are very memorable.
Even back to -Do you like my new car(From live at the Filmore)
I like-Is that a mexican poncho or a Sears poncho
Or The fur trapper who was stricly from commercial.
I could go on and on.
Shal1 we start a memorable lines conversation?

Me change title

Post 2


I don't like you! I wasn't alive for filmore! Wish I was 25 years older! Genius is an understatement!

Me change title

Post 3

Drool Frood the Second

Can't help being 41!!!!!!
Still age has nothing to do with this its more to do with taste!!!!
How about Catholic girls? (p.s I'm not one I mean't the song!)
Or Sy Borg -give me de chromium leg ,I beg (not personally of course)
Im not into kitchen machinery!!!!

Me change title again

Post 4


You bet. Nothing better than a catholic girl in the mornin. I merely jest. I'm more a Disco Boy. I don't do the dancing bit though.

Me change title again

Post 5

Drool Frood the Second

Which Albums (CDS) have you got?
All of mine are on vinyl -some are quite rare.

yellow snow

Post 6


We used to have 'we're only in it for the money', 'freakout', and 'absolutely free', and 'lumpy gravy' on vinyl. They've all been nicked or lost or something.
We've got 'weasels ripped my flesh' on vinyl, and cds of: 'only init for the money', 'studio tan', 'lumpy gravey', 'cheap thrills + son of (compilations)', and bits of 'you can't do that on stage anymore'.

yellow snow

Post 7

Drool Frood the Second

My favorite is Joe's Garage.
Unfortunately my ex husband nicked this from me when he left b*****D!!!!

Still I have a copy on tape ,but its not the same.

yellow snow

Post 8


That's pretty rough. We got a load of ours nicked, we think it was by the oldest sister so she could get money. And that.
I've just got myself 'Ship arriving to late to save a drowning witch' and 'crusin' with rubin and the jets'. I'm good to myself. I almost got Joe's Garage. Next time I have spare cash.

Don't eat Yello w Snow

Post 9


Zappa - having been to one gig, this was the tightest band I ever saw,
and lyrics that make Oasis seem like 5 year olds. Actually, let's say five day olds, they do the rest themselves.

For me, 'Bobby Brown' ... I saw FZ do this in the company of many Americans wearing leisure suits and they didn't get it.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Don't eat Yello w Snow

Post 10

Drool Frood the Second

Hi Zem,
Which concert of FZ's did you go to?
I saw him at Hammersmith for the Sheik yer Booty tour and again for
Joe's Garage.
He was beyond doub't an incredible musician,the likes of which I don't think we will see again.Talking about late muso's what about Ian Drury.I thought he was brill too.I met him several years ago when I was working behind the bar in a club.What a lovely bloke.I think his lyrics were great too.

Don't eat Yellow Snow

Post 11


Talking about Ponchos, I have gone mad with the "Is that a real poncho or is that a Sear's poncho" quote and now use it as my screen name for everthing. Frank Zappa is the greatest musician ever to live. I have only recently started listening to his music, but I am hooked and need more to satisfy this addiction.

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