A Conversation for Frank Zappa

Frank Zappa

Post 1


Hmmm. Always dangerous to tak about "the greatest", except if you're Muhammed Ali.

However, in musical terms, he was definitely on a higher plane than all except (I would say) The Grateful Dead, whose musicality was of a different kind, though equally unique (can uniqueness be equal?).

The thing about Zappa was he was so tightly structured and yet so loose (getting pretentious now, stay with it). Everything was so rehearsed and self-assured and yet you never knew what was coming next and sometimes nor did they.

I was going to write to him to thank him for so much great music but he died. Funnily enough, I'd drafted a letter to David Ogilvy and now he's gone too. And Johnny Morris.

Think I'll admire from afar from now on.

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Frank Zappa

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