This is the Message Centre for Jim, Lord of Fishnets


Post 1

simply scruff singing a rainbow

insignificant? HA! me? i think not. why without me who would the people in my village constantly torment and think of as the village freak. who would sharpen her nails and paint them black to scare all the little children. such a thing as insignificance? i think not! HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.


Post 2

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

To which I raise an eyebrow...



Post 3

simply scruff singing a rainbow

to which i raise both my eyebrows just to prove a point.


Post 4

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

To which I raise both eyebrows... realise it looks stupid and lower them both in shame and embarrassment


Post 5

simply scruff singing a rainbow

to which i laugh in an evil witch like cackle before disappearing in a puff of smoke.


Post 6

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Wanders off with no one to talk to...


Post 7

simply scruff singing a rainbow

thinks jim looks all sad all on his lonesome and appears again ready to be all friendly like.


Post 8

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

How kind of you to return?

How are you?

Or... more specifically... Who are you?


Post 9

simply scruff singing a rainbow

i am very well thank you for asking. and how is your good self?
my name is Terri Holloway (yes as in holloway prison sn't that cool!!) i am female although the name suggests i could be male (curse the small yet incredibly significant difference between an i and a y) i have spent 15 years on this planet and i still don't know the directions properley. i have tried flying on several occasions but have completley failed to miss the floor. i am a semi-goth and therefor considered a witch by the amoeba like inhabitants of my 'wonderful' welsh village. i am a member of the local youth theatre which i am going to turn into a travelling theatre company when i leave college. thank you *takes bow* and how about your good self?


Post 10

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

Umm... Right...

I'm Jamie Frew... 17 yeras... Barely goth at all... Exceot I always wear balck and am unnaturally pale as the gf comments incredibly frequently... (She's Emily Ultramarine should you bump into her on here)... I live in Birmingham, though I don't have the accent (hurray) having spent my early years in London (and I don't have that accent either... hurray) as I was on the Kent border (which doesn't have an accent)...

Damn well enjoy acting... But am more of a writer... Am going to the Beeb after they read my Sitcom...

That's the important stuff...



Post 11

simply scruff singing a rainbow

ahhhh another writer. well done your good self. i am going to (after i've made that travelling theatre company) write a novel in either english or welsh i haven't quite decided yet and i will be all about the earth mother's daughter Kiriseemus Desdemitra who is sent to earth as a vampire so that she can seek out the twin to her ring which holds all the power to the underworld. at the same time another vampire (real vampire) who is called Shaden and is the leader of the circle ( like vampire lords kinda things) has been plotting against the Nexin (who is king of the underworld) and as punishment he sent on a mission to find the twin to his ring (can we see a pattern emerging here i think soooooo) and so it goes on. ne wayz if desdemitra succeeds then the underworld will be destroyed but if shaden succeeds then the underworld will rule. aaaaaaaaaand u probably didn't want to hear ne of that did u. *hangs head in shame and walks off*


Post 12

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

On the contrary I am now intriuged...

But I'm not going to tell you what about...



Post 13

simply scruff singing a rainbow

ahhhhhhh then i am forced to shut the hell up otherwise i will have to talk and talk until i find out what it is u r intrigued about or until u die of boredom.............choose u're torture.


Post 14

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

I can't remember...

Why not just talk anyway... Or join Emily's orgy... You'll be able to find the link on *my* space...



Post 15

simply scruff singing a rainbow

uh...huh.... i shall do that.......maybe.........i have a new obsession...........lil dots..........aren't they kewl?............yes.


Post 16

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

Very interesting Ms Positivefreak... What a cute little bizarre creature you are, and I say that in a non-patronising way... I'm sure I've seen you floating about somewhere, although I could be wrong... BTW, kewl isn't actually a word...

Mr. Odie x


Post 17

simply scruff singing a rainbow

ahhhhhhh but what is real in this strange place that is not quite the real world but is not quite dreams..............time to shut up me thinks. hey and less of the little, just because i am doesn't mean u have to flaunt it. mind u would u classify 15 as little? oops i was in the process of shutting up wasn't i.

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