A Conversation for Putting Photos on h2g2 with Fotango (Step 1 of 3)

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 1


...cos it's been such a recurring theme. This UK-only offer from partnering with UK companies and having ads from only UK sites doesn't do much to shed the image that this is the UK Edition of the HHGG, not the Earth Edition. I mean, that's okay, if I don't like it I can go somewhere else, blah, blah. Doesn't seem to fit with expansion though. Plus I figure I haven't annoyed the editor recently. smiley - winkeye

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 2


Speaking as one of the foreigners here at h2g2, I empathize with your plight. Our decision in putting together these deals is a tough one, since h2g2 in terms of its membership is indeed more global than any single supplier. It might not surprise you to hear that beginning a negotiation with "how do you plan to ship to our Antarctican researchers?" gets most e-commerce partners shifting in their seats (I for one always ask that question).

Though the "bricks and mortar" side of this offer is currently only open to members in the UK, in fact the fun part of it, namely introducing the possibility of adding photos to your personal web page, was neat enough that we decided it was worth rolling out now without waiting until we had deals in place in, say, our 20 top countries. Fotango in fact satisfied us they too have international rollout plans so the two of us can grow together.

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 3

what you know as km

So there.

...With all the sites that offer deals to US residents only, I can't see getting snippy when one offers something to another country. This site isn't any more global than any other on the Internet. It just happens to have lots of Americans looking at it. We could stand to have a taste of that "free for everyone! but not for you" stuff.

Besides, everyone in the United States has a scanner. That's why they call it the Land of Opportunity. We all keep spare scanners in the trunks of our Cadillacs... smiley - smiley

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 4

Martin Harper

Well with all the money you save on uncharged internet access... smiley - winkeye

I'm assuming that if you pay international chipping rates, then they'll be happy to serve you, though...

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 5


Hehe, yeah. I must be the only one who doesn't have a scanner. smiley - winkeye But that doesn't matter really. I could care less about the service. I have a digital camera and space that I can put photos already. I've just made it a habit of mine to point out indications that the people running this site aren't always doing a good job of thinking outside their own country. (Doesn't mean they aren't great people by the way. I've met a couple of the staff while they were here in the US. Wish my job was as fun as theirs looks.) They don't have to listen to me. In fact I'm sure I'll eventually be proven otherwise. But right now that's what I keep seeing.

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 6

The Cow

Are there plans for customised adverts: eg. set up US banners for US researchers... Antartic banners for antartic researchers... I might well buy a set of banners for antartica if you do that (just for the sheer hell of it...)

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 7

The Cow

Anyway... the main reason (I think) h2g2 has done this is because h2g2 can't (for reasons unknown... can't be bothered, can't afford to, can't regulate all the images (ahem...) ) host external pictures. By teaming up with fotango, they get somewhere for people to put up their photos, with links to h2g2, as well as offering a good and valid service to people in the UK. There were complaints from researchers who felt that h2g2 was promoting bandwidth theft (hosting pictures elsewhere, using -their- bandwidth without any promotion) and this is their solution. There is also 'photoloft.com' who offer a similar service, without the film processing part.. but I got my hands slapped for suggesting that a little too hard... (sorry Peta!)

At least with fotango you don't need a scanner or digital camera to get photies on the web.

But what about non-photographic images? Can they be hosted at fotango? I doubt it... can someone please check (ie: one of the crew who are 'close' to fotango), as that'd be WOnderful.

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 8

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

Of course, we in Western Australia always get the short end of the stick. Even the Australian offers are always excluding WA

3smiley - biggrin

JOTD: I came, I saw, I deleted all your files.

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 9

Cheerful Dragon

Yes, I get a bit fed up with offers that are not available to people outside the U.S.A. And as I have a digital camera, the Fotango deal sounds good to me. I don't even care if I'm not one of the first 200 to register, as I don't have any use for a 'single-use camera'.

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 10

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

I think it means one of those disposable cameras with one roll of film in them.

3smiley - biggrin

JOTD: The only thing worse than X Winsows: (X Windows) - X

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 11

The Cow

The only thing worse than X Windows: MS Windows smiley - smiley

Although *far* harder to set up, at least X Windows is stable...

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 12

Cheerful Dragon

I know what a 'single-use' camera is, I just don't have *any* use for one. A digital camera means never having to pay development costs again. On a recent holiday to Egypt I took over 150 pictures before the batteries gave out (heat affects their lifespan, apparently). That's the equivalent of 4 rolls of film at at least £5 each, and probably nearer £8. So I've saved £20 - £30 already! The media cards are expensive, but you can use them over and over again. Given time, the camera will pay for itself. And you don't have loads of photos or photo albums cluttering up the house, you just store the pictures on your computer, or get Fotango to do it for you. It makes sharing them with your friends a bit harder, especially if they don't have Internet access but, as far as I'm concerned, the pros outweigh the cons.smiley - bigeyes

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 13

Martin Harper

actually, fotango means never having to pay development costs either... unless you want hard copies on glossy paper...

I'm planning to use my single-use camera when it's risky. Like climbing up mountains or going on pub crawls... smiley - winkeye

Okay, I'm gonna be mean and say this

Post 14

The Cow

Which is more dangerous? smiley - winkeye


Post 15


We are certainly interested in running a similar offer to Researcher's globally. But we have to start somewhere, and Fotango do seem to be offering a very good deal and service, I've used it myself a few times already.

We're talking to the people at Fotango about hosting non photographic images, there is a possibility that our Researchers will be able to host graphic images on Fotango in the very near future. I'll let you know as soon as we've checked it out. smiley - smiley

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