This is the Message Centre for Jazz Neko-Sama

Long Distance

Post 1

Jazz Neko-Sama

Long distance is, in general, a bad thing. It means far away. That's just in case you don't speak english... but then again, if you're here and you don't speak some english, you're not with me this far...
I have a point, though. My point is that I am in a QUANDARY in a very big way. I'm emotionally invested in someone who is supposedly attached to me, but is 3000 miles away and can't seem to say no when someone else puts his grubby claws on her. The rules here dictate no defamation, so no names-- but I don't need names to vent.
I do, however, need some sort of closure. I can't just close the door on this girl because she is so dear to me-- and yet every logical piece of me is screaming for me to pack up and run like hell. I mean really RUN. Just not look back for fear of turning into a pillar of salt for even missing something so bad for me.
I'm so lost.

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