A Conversation for Dutch h2g2 Meet!!!

JA JA JA!! (yes yes yes)

Post 1

M'niki - Patron Saint of Anonymous Artists

Oh, not that it isn't my mum's birthday the 30st of September, but I guess I can come to Alphen!! Maybe I even have a room then in Utrecht, so it would be even more easier!!!!!!
I'm looking forward:

a castle, a real castle!!!
oh oh oh oh oh
must I wear princess clothes or can I just come the way I always am??
(I hope so...)

JA JA JA!! (yes yes yes)

Post 2

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

LOL!! If you like, you can wear princess clothes, but it isn't necessary smiley - winkeye. Well, since you seem so enthusiastic, I presume I can put you up with the definatelies then?

JA JA JA!! (yes yes yes)

Post 3


Great news M'niki smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

JA JA JA!! (yes yes yes)

Post 4

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

The page look really great, espacially the pictures of Afi

I'll try and make it

Post 5

Magic Mushroom

Hi guys =]

I'll try and make it over there, should be nice to meet you guys irl!

~Jor (the Magic Mushroom)

I'll try and make it

Post 6

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

In that case, I will put you up as a maybe. Can let me know when you know for sure then? Just leave a message here, and if you're coming, I'll put you on the list of definately's smiley - smiley.
Nice to hear that you're interested smiley - smiley

I'll try and make it

Post 7

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

It's going to get crowded.

I'll try and make it

Post 8

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Well, let's hope so. The more the merrier smiley - smiley

I'll try and make it

Post 9

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Ofcourse, just hoping we can offer enough sleeping places.

Of course I'll make it...

Post 10


Crowded Arutha ? In Het Kasteel ??? I zienk not... smiley - winkeye

Glad to see that the gathering will be international though(today Amsterdam, Utrecht, Alphen aan den Rijn, tomorrow the World... smiley - bigeyes)

TM. smiley - winkeye

Of course I'll make it...

Post 11

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Well you never know. If what's your saying is going to be true, than we better rent Het kasteel. Or we can just buy one tank(je) of beer.

Of course I'll make it...

Post 12


One tankje ?? You have to be joking !

O.K. We will get a 'tankje' beer. On the condition that you take whatever is left home... on your bike...smiley - winkeye


Of course I'll make it...

Post 13

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

DEAL, I'll just need to go by the bycicle shop for some improvements, maybe, maybe extra metal plating for the bike and reinforcements everywhere.

But just wandering if I can plug a beertank(je) in at my home, or if i'll blow some fuses than.

Of course I'll make it...

Post 14


You don't have to plug it in. You just lie under it and open the tap.


Of course I'll make it...

Post 15

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Wan't that the way they tortured people in the middleages, putting someone on his back and keep pomping fluids in his mouth, anyway won't it make a big mess???

We do have "laminaat" on the floor, so that really doen't matter.

Of course I'll make it...

Post 16


As long as it makes a mess at your place...smiley - winkeye


Of course I'll make it...

Post 17

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

In that case, why don't you install a python throughout the house smiley - winkeye?

Of course I'll make it...

Post 18

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

That's a great idea, only I'll need you and geordy to hook it up.

I'll start drilling the holes for the python.

I'll try and make it

Post 19

Magic Mushroom

Hey, just read something about there being a meet the friday before the actual meet in Am*dam - is that a maybe, or still planned? \\ Seeing as how I have no idea to get to Alphen *grin*

I'll try and make it

Post 20

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

YEs, the friday in A'dam. is still planned, if you want further details on that meet, you should check on the page or either with Kheldar.

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