A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 1


Here's another of Pitzel's sequence questions, thanks again Pitzel.

Find the missing letter in the following sequence... This one is hard... well at least me thinks so... what about you???

M V E M J S U ___ (p)


Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 2


That's my guess smiley - smiley

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 3

I'm not really here

Yep, N it is.

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)


Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

I say M

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 6



Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 7

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Curse these sequence problems! Uhhhhhhh.....Q...yeah, Q.

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 8


P !

(It's not the right answer so I'll tell you why:

Min Ven Er Michael Jackson, Så Unger - Pas (p)å!

( ???????? - A429806! ) smiley - smiley )

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 9

Witty Moniker

N is right, alright. You're not going to believe how I found this one. And I don't speak German. smiley - bigeyes


Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 10


How, Witty?

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh! Of course! The planets of our solar system!!! Arrgghh!
Thanks for showing the answer, Witty... why didn't I think of it...

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 12


*gratefully appreciates answer*

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 13

Witty Moniker

I searched www.askjeeves.com on the initials. That German website came up.

I love the internet!

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 14

I'm not really here

Me too. The secret's out.

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 15


I searched for Pitzel on Google and got some sweet old little ladie's recipes.... after some drunken, pretense mathematical equations I can only guess the missing letter is "E"...don't ask me why...

"E" = "Easy"? Not!!!

Well done Greebo, this one will keep me awake for years to come ( actaully as a bee my lifespan is much less - should I say weeks to come... now winter is around the corner).

HoneyBee smiley - smiley

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 16

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

HoneyBee, if you want to live through the winter, I say forget the queen and build your own place near a heating duct. I know that this sounds like strange advice coming from a self-proclaimed leftist; I TOLD my english teacher that being forced to read "Anthem" would be bad for me...

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 17


Well done Babel... ~grin~... a point to you... and good going Witty... me wouldn't have thought of searching Ask Jeeves for that answer...

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 18

Witty Moniker

smiley - winkeye

Maybe I shouldn't be letting my little secrets out. I haven't been able to get my answers in first for quite some time. smiley - sadface

Thursday 07th September 2000

Post 19

Trillian's child

But what about the tenth planet? http://www.h2g2.com/A410941

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