A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals
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Tuesday 11th June 2002
GreeboTCat Started conversation Jun 11, 2002
Cowgirl Greebo rode into town on Friday. She stayed three days and left on the Saturday.
How is this possible?
Tuesday 11th June 2002
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Jun 11, 2002
friday is her horse
Tuesday 11th June 2002
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Jun 11, 2002
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) Posted Jun 11, 2002
The town crosses the International date line
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Jun 11, 2002
The dateline answer seems to fit: She arrived at 00:30 on Friday, stepped across the date line back to 23:30 on Thursday. She stayed the rest of Thursday, the whole of Friday and a lot of Saturday (three days), then left. The only places on dry land which cross the date line are in Antarctica, so she must have been riding a Walrus!
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) Posted Jun 11, 2002
I never said she wasn't!
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) Posted Jun 11, 2002
Actually Gnomen, I think that if she arrived at 00:10 on Friday and the crossed the date line (as opposed simply to a time-zone boundry), it would be 00:10 Thursday the other side. So she could actually stay almost 3 lots of 24 hours & still leave at 23:50 on Saturday.
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking Posted Jun 11, 2002
The Saturday is a train or a bus
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Jun 11, 2002
Ugi, I was wrong. There are a few places along the dateline where the time is the same on both sides of it, but they are all over the sea. In most places, it runs along a time boundary, so if it is 00:10 Friday on the West side of it, it will be 01:10 Thursday on the East side.
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) Posted Jun 11, 2002
Thanks Gnomon - you learn something new every day, as they say.
I was only being perverse really, since I have been subscribed to ths quiz for about a month and have not yet read a question that didn't already have several answers!
One of these days....
Tuesday 11th June 2002
manda1111 Posted Jun 11, 2002
I know the feeling Ugi, I have got a point on the board,but only cus there was six direrent answers and he gave a point for each answer
(when is H2G2 going to get a spell checker)
Tuesday 11th June 2002
Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking Posted Jun 11, 2002
Tuesday 11th June 2002
You can call me TC Posted Jun 11, 2002
But in the Pratchett books, Greebo is a "he" - and a very masculine one at that (there is a quote somewhere that goes "Greebo had fathered the last 30 generations" or something)
And why can't it be on water? You just have to change "Greebo rode" into "Greebo rowed"..........
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Tuesday 11th June 2002
- 1: GreeboTCat (Jun 11, 2002)
- 2: Gnomon - time to move on (Jun 11, 2002)
- 3: Titania (gone for lunch) (Jun 11, 2002)
- 4: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Jun 11, 2002)
- 5: Gnomon - time to move on (Jun 11, 2002)
- 6: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Jun 11, 2002)
- 7: Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) (Jun 11, 2002)
- 8: PaulBateman (Jun 11, 2002)
- 9: Gnomon - time to move on (Jun 11, 2002)
- 10: Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) (Jun 11, 2002)
- 11: Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) (Jun 11, 2002)
- 12: Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking (Jun 11, 2002)
- 13: Gnomon - time to move on (Jun 11, 2002)
- 14: Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912) (Jun 11, 2002)
- 15: manda1111 (Jun 11, 2002)
- 16: Titania (gone for lunch) (Jun 11, 2002)
- 17: Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking (Jun 11, 2002)
- 18: manda1111 (Jun 11, 2002)
- 19: You can call me TC (Jun 11, 2002)
- 20: Titania (gone for lunch) (Jun 11, 2002)
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