This is the Message Centre for Big Bad Werewolf


Post 1

Darth Noire

I'm not an ACE. I most certainly am not!! But seeing that "click here to..." was depressive. Congratulations once more! I wonder what will happen to GL... He was a pretty amusing sight in the cell!


Post 2

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Greetings from me, as well! I'm not an ACE, but I'm an ACE's evil twin...


Post 3

Big Bad Werewolf

Thanks for the hellos, even if you aren't ACE's. In fact, a greeting from fellow evil ones is even better than a greeting from an ACE! Besides, I DO know my way around already smiley - winkeye

Yes, GL was a sorry sight in that cell. I heard he has escaped now, though. Bet he used his watch. Too bad the cloning machine didn't reproduce the watch too. I'll have to raid CLI sometime and get some equipment.

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