A Conversation for Large Families

I know this family!

Post 1

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

My sister's boyfriend is the oldest of 9! He's 25, the youngest is 3 months old. His 23 year old sister just had her first baby six months ago, (niece and uncle, born within three months of each other.) and his second youngest sister has Down Syndrome. So it's a big family!!

I know this family!

Post 2

The Cheese

Odd....I don't have any relatives named cheezdanishsmiley - winkeye

I know this family!

Post 3

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Ah, but you are in the pure form of cheese! I have been corrupted by my friends into the pastry you see before you today.

Hi. Nice ta meetcha! smiley - smiley

I know this family!

Post 4


I had 9 children, oldest is 37 and yougest 14 years. I have 16 grandchildren, I am 58 years old and my eldst daughter is expecting her 10th child any time now.
My 14year is old is younger than my daughters eldest child, i.e. uncle is younger than his niece !!
We all love it, it chaotic but great fun!!!
There are no divorces/separations, just good old fashioned marriage and lot's of kids, loads of family celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and massive gatherings at Christmas and Easter. I would not have it any other way.

Large families

Post 5


Hi, I stumbled across this thread while researching a magazine feature on large (5 kids+) UK families with young children. Wondered if any of you posters might be interested taking part?! Could let you know the details if you drop me a line at c_e_sargent at yahoo.co.uk by 22/02/08 - hope to hear from you soon!

Large families

Post 6


hi i have 6 children aged 7,5,3,2,15months and 8 weeks my name is aby and am married i live in staffordshire area and life is hectic for me aswel but we love it

Large families

Post 7


by the way email address is clayton59@btinternet.com

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