This is the Message Centre for a girl called Ben


Post 1


Hi Ben,

I just wanted to see how you were doing, since, according to your journal, you should be in Stockholm by now...let me know how things are going if you get the chance.



Post 2

a girl called Ben

Yup! I am here - and very busy...! In culture shock because it gets dark at 3.00pm, but apart from that I am enjoying it. I am here most weekends too. When is the Stockholm meet?


Post 3


Glad you're enjoying it...keeping busy is the best cure for culture shock, really. But the dark gets to us too. A little snow usually brightens things up, but we don't seem to be getting any for another while.

I think the meet is scheduled for Dec. 16th - think you'll be able to make it?


Post 4

justus jonas

So, you made it?

Only wanted to ask how things are develloping for you. In this darkness around here I would appreciate some northern lights, too.

Scandinavian Meet Up!

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch) Stockholm, on December 16th:

Scandinavian Meet Up!

Post 6

a girl called Ben

Yup, I am planning to be there. My internet connection is at work, and I am working when I am at work, so no chance to get onto H2G2. Missing you all....

See you on the 16th. Do we have a where as well as a when?


Scandinavian Meet Up!

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

No details yet, thought I'd wait until I know how many people are joining...smiley - smiley

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