This is the Message Centre for Guardian_007

MI5 agent, eh?

Post 1

Triv, Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds; Maker of Sacred Signposts CotTB; Foxy Manor's Head Butler; ACE (GROOVY!)

you turn it off by pressing the little button on the front of your computer. Just make sure you've saved everything first. smiley - smiley

But down to name's Triv, and I'm a guardian angel here at h2g2. We, along with the Assistant Community Editors, take it upon ourselves to make the new researchers comfortable and to let them know that someone's looking out for them. smiley - smiley If you need anything reply to this message or start a new conversation over at my homepage.

while you're at it, check ot the guardian angel's homepage. It's got a ton of links to other resources you might find useful.

good to meet you. smiley - smiley

Triv (Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds)

MI5 agent, eh?

Post 2


Hi there & welcome from me, too...smiley - smiley

Write an entry smiley - smiley Read about how here: and read last month's edited entries here:

Happy hiking... there's always someone here to help. smiley - smiley

Joanna (Princess of Darkness)

MI5 agent, eh?

Post 3


Hello everyone!
I was pleasently surprised to see someone had left a message. Now I have to start checking here on a regular basis. (oh joy, even more e-mail!)
And, I'm not an agent for MI5 or MI6. It's actually a refrence to my favorite TV show, Reboot. Maybe I can do an article on it....

MI5 agent, eh?

Post 4


Thats a good idea. smiley - smiley I look forward to reading it...

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