This is the Message Centre for Cloviscat

self promotion

Post 1

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

I'm sure this is sooo checky but I wrote an entry on dyslexia that you seemed to like, and you sergested a few thing to change. Well I have done some re-writing which I posted last week, only it seems to have been a bit forgoton smiley - sadface If you could have another look I would be very greatfull.

thx a lot Knifee

self promotion

Post 2


Delughted to, knifee smiley - smiley I'll try to get on to it today.

self promotion

Post 3


I've posted to the original peer reveiew page, to keep the conversation consistent, and to pull the entry back to the top.

Don't worry if your entery seems to get forgotten - it won't. The Scouts have a maximum number of entries they can recommend (or else the sub-editors can't cope!) so people can't necessary take forward entries the moment they read them, and contrary to popular belief, we don't just pick off the top of the pack!

In fact, my piece of silliness on rubber thimbles has disappeared as well smiley - sadface

Hope this helps! smiley - smiley

self promotion

Post 4


Conratulations! I hope you've seen that your entry has gone forward to the Guide: Amy the Ant was responsible: just the way the quota thing worked out: she got there before me! The important thing is that it got picked smiley - smiley

self promotion

Post 5

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

I just noticed yer, and frankly I'm rather pleased smiley - winkeye
thx for your help and coments smiley - smiley

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