A Conversation for Vote "The Masque of the Red Herring" for Virtual Dictator!

War Room

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

This is the Official Campaign Strategic Conference Room for the Masque/ Red Fish campaign. If you are NOT directly involved in the Masque/ Red Fish campaign -- especially if you are a competitor -- please leave immediately, under penalty of... well, I'll personally slap you in the face with one of these red herrings.

Now, down to buisness:
Red Fish, I've been trying to distribute my wine "The Masque's Red Election Wine", at the F&F, but apparently I started in the wrong forum, and I've been unable to contact the owner, but the patrons/ employees have been saying maybe it shouldn't be allowed.

So first order of buisness is how to distribute the wine.

Second, we need to get more campaigning done in general. I'm trying to design various buttons, but I'm not that great at graphics. I don't know when they'll be read.

Third, I think Shazz may want a picture of you for the Rogue's Gallery. If you don't have the time, I could always do a cartoon of a generic red fish, and turn that in. Your graphic skills seem to be better, or at least as good as, mine, so it's really up to you.

Anything else you want to bring up? Any solutions you might have? We need to start gaining support.


War Room

Post 2

RedFish ><>

Red -

Shazz is dealing with the pic, ive told her to lift my image from the sanctuary.

Interesting that we are already in 5th place in the polls out of the 12 running teams isnt it?

Ill distribute the wine in forums, and do general campaigning... seeing I am the only fish in this campaign do you think we could use that to our advantage? H2G2 has a large fish community.

It seems to me that we need more campaign staff. Howabout a plea on the campaign page? We got 7 votes in the poll which means there are 5 people out there who voted for us. Unless you cheated >smiley - smiley

anyway ill go give out wine

War Room

Post 3

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I've been asking a few people if they want to be on our campaign staff, and I'll check responses today. Definately see what you can do to reel in the fish vote. Maybe Fenchurch will vote for us? She's big with fishes...

As for our "popularity", I have voted for us twice. I felt it was my duty to do so. I've had at least one flame, which is always a good sign. We're getting our message out to people. Some of the candidates have recieved NO votes, meaning no one realizes they're running. They may not even be active. Oh well. We'll see what we can do. If we can be in the top three, I'd find that very gratifying!


War Room

Post 4

soeasilyamused, or sea

red, i think you said to stop by here, so here i am! let me know what i can do, red and... red... RH and RF just to simplify so i don't confuse myself. anyways, let me know what i can do for you guys! ALL HAIL DICTATOR RED(S)!!!!!!!

War Room

Post 5

Darth Noire

*steps into the war room, ready to begin the conquest*

Greetings, everyone. Now what to do to help Red on his way to dictatorship... The time is running...

And one of the votes in the poll was mine, by the way.

War Room

Post 6

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Alright, this ticket being a late entry into the race, the first order of buisness is to get my name, and my message, out to voters. One way to do this is to get people to come to the free wine forum. We're not aloud to advertise in the F&F itself, but if any of you could mention it in other forums (posting this link http://www.h2g2.com/F24306?thread=70611 is always helpful) that could get us some more traffic. Thank you, Darth Noire, for stoping by yourself. I'd greatly appreciate it if we all did that. I think it would help. You all get whole bottles free, anyway. Second order of buisness is the wine itself. It's only a matter of days before Irving Washington (that blasted do-good-er) discovers that I've been brewing and bottling the wine on the premisis of the Aroma Caf�'s Majic Forest. Mr. Washington has strictly forbiden any alcoholic substances on his land. When and if he discovers my little operation, he might shut us down for good. We need to move as much of the already brewed wine -- in kegs and bottles -- from my illegal vineyard to this forum. You guys can come help me with that at http://www.h2g2.com/F26140?thread=70792&post=529069 Now, I believe we have a "hit man" in the room at the moment. For the purposes of running a politically correct campaign, we shall refer to him as a "spin doctor". Now, Redfish, can you think of anyone who needs to make an appointment with "The Doctor"? I'm thinking maybe part of the Celery's staff should be deaded. Maybe Garius Lupus... What do you say? /Red

War Room

Post 7

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

er... slight correction: We have a "Hit WOMAN" in the forum. We will refer to HER as a "Spin Doctor". Sorry about the mix up.

War Room

Post 8

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - winkeye there are now fifty crates of Red Election Wine stacked neatly in the wine cellar. didn't have one? well ya do now!

War Room

Post 9

RedFish ><>

*Appears from thin air*

*takes 10 bottles*

*vanishes to distribute them*

War Room

Post 10

Darth Noire

I like the idea of getting some of Celery's staff deaded. Personally, I'd choose Alien although she isn't actually a part of the staff, because she is greatly threatening my chance to vote in the election since it has been announced that clones aren't allowed to vote. But I guess I could make some arrangement with her myself...

War Room

Post 11

soeasilyamused, or sea

i think it would be much more fun to just have her deaded.... and much more evil.

War Room

Post 12

Darth Noire

Well I didn't actually think of just asking her politely if she could vote Masque for me... I just don't know if she's the right person to get deaded to help our campaign. Probably not. But we could have her deaded anyway. Just for fun.

War Room

Post 13

soeasilyamused, or sea

or just incapacitated... kidnapped???

War Room

Post 14

Darth Noire

Hmm... Doesn't sound bad. But we can worry about that later. Now our main concern is to make people vote for Red. Red, when you suggested having GL deaded, were you aware that he's locked up in a cell at http://www.h2g2.com/F31345?thread=68934&latest=1 ??

War Room

Post 15

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I had no idea he was in a cell. That might make him difficult to dead. Lots of security in prisons... If clones can't vote, does that mean that alter-egos can't vote? I am an alter ego, and that would be a problem...


War Room

Post 16

soeasilyamused, or sea

security? NYC, the three clones, and i have been guarding GL. i don't really call that security... but we're holding him hostage nonetheless. he would be fairly easy to dead.

War Room

Post 17

Darth Noire

He would be very easy to get deaded in that cell - perhaps even too easy... But he's there alone, got in accidentally and is surrounded by other members of STUMPED.

And they say that "only your main persona can vote" - they will ignore all other votes to keep it fair...

War Room

Post 18

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Well, I'm not my main persona... But Irving won't vote. That should help things.

Perhaps we should dead Garius, just for practice. Later, maybe we can target either Alien, or Asteroid Lil... or possibly Oradek. Remember, we can't dead the Celery, or Webjello. That's been tried.

By the way, we'll eventually need to get these crates from here to the F&F thread.


War Room

Post 19

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~A black van, borrowed from the STUMPED fleet, pulls up to the War Room loading dock. The Masque's campaign team, dressed in covert-ops clothing, unload barrel after barrel of wine~

Well, that seems to have gone off without a hitch! Irving will never know we were there!

~Pulls out a very well insultated box from the van~
And this is a specimen of the majic grapes I found growing in the forrest, from which I've brewed this wine. I did some tests, and found I could grow them anywhere! It doesn't have to be in the Majic Forrest...


War Room

Post 20

soeasilyamused, or sea

beautifully executed plan, red. as for GL... quick and painful or slow and torturous?

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