This is the Message Centre for There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Nice and calm

Post 1


Hello Gosho
I'm a newbie here, and you're probably aware that h2g2 is a little daunting to start with. anyway first thing I did my own P.S. next thing I did was have a look at other peoples, and so I stumbled onto your site, thank you.
After pulling up a chair and sitting a while, I felt much calmer, you have plenty of tips for things I'd like to do, and best of all you have a sign saying "don't panic" . . . this really works! smiley - cool

anyway cheers for that

bye now

Researcher187751 alias chuck alias verona alais Stephen smiley - smiley

Nice and calm

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Hello Chuck. If you haven't been "Aced" yet, you will be soon - the Aces are the Assistant Community Editors, whose job it is to welcome new researchers such as yourself and provide helpful hints about h2g2. It sounds as if you're finding your way around nicely all on your own though smiley - biggrin I'm about to log off, so I'll catch up with you another time.
(I'm a bit partial to smiley - cake myself too btw, especially with a nice cup of smiley - teasmiley - tongueout)
Nice to meet you smiley - biggrin

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