A Conversation for 1James Thurber - humourist

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist

Post 1


Entry: James Thurber - humourist - A14187882
Author: Leo - wanted: bearded men. Where: F19585?thread=3469314 - U519437

Another part of the New Yorker project. Open for all input.

A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist

Post 2


Now completely done.

Which is to say, (for the touchy reviewer) that I have put in all the information I know of that I think belongs in there, and that I have corrected all the grammar and punctuation that I beleive needs correcting, and I therefore await further input from other sets of eyes to make it even better, and even more 'done'.

A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist

Post 3


smiley - boing Done again. Overdone, perhaps?

A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist

Post 4





Perhaps, in keeping with British style, you should say "university"?

The salt footnotes are a great touch!smiley - biggrin


Could we have a phrase or two of background on her? What she did for a living, where she was from, etc...

I think that's it for this one!

A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist

Post 5


they have college there too. Aurora tried to explain the difference to me, but just confused me more. Possibly they're confused enough themselves that it won't matter. Anyway, if I do change it, it says University two times in once sentence - which is my main objection. I say wait and see in PR. smiley - biggrin

A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist

Post 6


oh yeah, other changes made. Althea was apparently nothing special: just ambitious and pretty, and probably the source of Thurber's overbearing wives.

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14187882 - James Thurber - humourist

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