This is the Message Centre for stinkywigfiddle


Post 1


August 13, 2000
I would like to buy a towel.
What kind of towel should I get?


Post 2


It doesn't matter, just make sure you get a bag for it that is NOT made from any living creatures, such as rabbits. Fur is murder, and who knows what that bunny could try to do to when it gets reincarnated.


Post 3


Sonya: Thanks for the tip, or warning. I guess I'll use some synthetic material then.
As for what kind of towel, I assume they mean beach towels and not just plain bath towels.


Post 4

RedFish ><>

if you are buying an Insane Endevour towel, why not buy the Masque/RedFish election towel? it is 100% cotton! I use one!

"Vote for us, save the fishes!"


Post 5


Who had the towel that you could suck anti-depressants out of? I forget


Post 6


Sonya: I got me a towel. Depending on how you look at it, it can be either pretty or ugly. It has stripes of many collors with brown shapes all over eash side.

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