This is the Message Centre for amanda_panda(Patron Saint of Novel Ideas and Goddess of vanity and jealousy)

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 1


Hallooo Amanda_Panda,
Just thought I'd drop in and welcome you to H2G2. I'm Shadow, one of the Assistant Community Editor's (ACE's) here. We’re the volunteer welcoming committee, among other things. If you have any questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. You can do so by either clicking on REPLY below or by clicking on my name above and leaving a message at my page If you're looking for a place to get started, the following is always a good spot There is also a handy quick reference guide at Now, if it’s writing a Guide entry or two you’re interested in, say no more! Here are two links that are SURE to come in handy. The list of Guide entries that haven’t been written yet, but should be: AND The list of Guide Entries that need to be rewritten: Whatever you decide to do, have fun wandering the vast, twisted and myriad halls of this place. There's a LOT to do, see and comment on here and everyone's opinion is welcome. So don't be afraid to jump right in and offer your view on anything! Remember, if you need help or have questions about anything, don’t hesitate to ask, that’s what I and the other ACE’s are here for. smiley - smiley
Welcome again,

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 2

Archangel Zax


Just dropping in to say 'hi'!
*waves to Shadow*

lys told me about your page, and i thought i'd have a look-see!
*looks around*
like what you've done with the place!
see you round!

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 3


Hi, name,young talented black-eyed person.
(Are u BAMBOOzled?)

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 4

amanda_panda(Patron Saint of Novel Ideas and Goddess of vanity and jealousy)

Thank you for coming to my litttle corner of the galaxy. Thanks for writing to me. ByE!

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 5

amanda_panda(Patron Saint of Novel Ideas and Goddess of vanity and jealousy)

Thanks. My parents have been calling me that since I was little and I told my friend about it and she said that I should use it for my e-mail and stuff. They are my favorite animals.

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 6


Okeeeys, I gotta ask since you said it. I know what a panda is, but what kind of animal is an amanda? Don't recall having seen one of those in the wild before.
~S smiley - winkeye

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 7

amanda_panda(Patron Saint of Novel Ideas and Goddess of vanity and jealousy)

Amanda is my name. My parents made it up because it rhymed.

Welcome to H2G2 Amanda_Panda

Post 8


D'OH! *Thwaps himself upside the head.* Can you tell I was tired yesterday? I was actually sitting there straining my brain to see if I'd ever come across an Amanda in my wildlife studies. LOL!
~S smiley - smiley

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