This is the Message Centre for patriciaij


Post 1

The minstrel boy

Love red heads ... hate dragon ... hope you slay'm not sleigh'm ...
smiley - smiley


Post 2


Hate dragons??? Say it ain't so!!! They're so powerful, brave and heroic (not to mention REALLY handy for starting the BBQ) smiley - smiley Come on down to Dwayne's Dragon Emporium and check out the new models and I bet you'll change your mind. Ok, so there's quite a bit of work vacuuming up the flaky scales from the carpet and picking up the ornaments they knock off coffee tables with their tails and OCCASIONALLY they can get a bit carried away with the BBQ starting thing and might melt the patio furniture. But the benefits FAR outweigh those trivial problems.
You want welding done? Dragon/welding torch to the rescue.
Want a heated pool?- no problem.
Sleep easy at night when you put the "Beware of Guard Dragon" sign outside your home.
Say bon voyage to pesky door-to-door salesmen.
Say goodbye to neighbourhood cats digging up your gardens.
Come on Paul! This is the "must-have" for the new millennium! Order yours NOW - they're going fast! Operators are standing by... smiley - smiley

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