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Post 1


Hello there... ~grin~... me has to agree with you on you words of wisdom regarding Pern... ever since me read my first Dragonrider novel me was hooked... me so much wanted to ride a dragon... though not a golden one... me wanted one just like Canth... me thought he was wonderful... and me was so sad when Wirenth died... but Dragonquest was a great book... ~bigger grin~

Me has written a guide entry on Anne McCaffrey...

Why not pop over and take a look... see what you think....


Post 2


Wonderful! Thanks for the list...appears there are quite a few I've missed.
I feel a sci-fi reading fest coming on! smiley - smiley


Post 3


~Greebo blushes~ Thank you for the praise... some of Anne's pern series... deals more with people that with the dragons... and me would recommend reading the talent series... tis quite good as well...

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