A Conversation for Chat Rooms


Post 1

Researcher 194692

not exactly sure on how this actually works but i will have fun working it out...lol
luv fae mamaLove


Post 2

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hi Researcher 194692

Welcome to h2g2. One of the first things you should do is to write something (it doesn't have to be much) in your Personal Space because this will activate your message centre.

There is no chatroom facility on h2g2. We have conversations using a bulletin board system.

If you need any help, just ask.

Amy smiley - ant


Post 3

Researcher 216786

hello all just logged in for the first time not sure what we are doing either just trying it out but seems really interesting, we were on ld also and will be on yoome2 even though we dont think its what its cracked up to be, so pc users u are not really missing a lot, will be nice to get some replies from peeps !
our email address is
[email protected]


Post 4


hiya how r u? wha hve u been up too? asl?


Post 5

Researcher 248611

hi i,m new to this xxx


Post 6

Researcher 248611

lois 12 say hi to an ld luver xxx


Post 7

Researcher 248611

hi email me [email protected] xxx

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