This is the Message Centre for worldgirl84

ACE's welcome worldgirl84!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the assistant community editors or <./>ACEs</.> here. We greet newbies such as yourself and help you get settled. Actually my colleague Feisor has compiled a comprehensive list of Hints and Lihks at A719840. Take your time going over that and checking out the various features in the process, there's alot to see.

If you have any questions feel free to leave me a message by using the 'Reply' button, ok. Oh and smiley - goodluck with Miss Fish Designs! Bye for now!*waves*

ACE's welcome worldgirl84!

Post 2


Thanks for the greeting and the smiley - goodluck although I think smiley - dontpanic is more like it at the moment. I always thought these things were automatically generated.

ACE's welcome worldgirl84!

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh you're welcome...on both counts!smiley - laugh No I'm a living, breathing human, the BBC or BBC interactive, recruits volunteers to greet newbies like yourself. Right now I'm actually doing double volunteer duty - I just finished my second shift at our local Fringe(theatre)festival - & now I'm settling down to welcome a few more newbies.

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