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Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 1

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I posted me last one here, so I thought I might as well post this year's here too. smiley - silly

"At A-level I pursued a varied line of study, embracing both the arts and sciences. Although I enjoyed all areas of my studies, I found English Literature to be the most stimulating. I greatly enjoy the analysis and discussion of all types of literature, and read widely, from the plays of Oscar Wilde to the novels of Margaret Atwood; I have also been awarded the school prize for my subject. A particular interest of mine has been the dystopian genre; I am fascinated by the moral implications of the various presentations of the status of the individual within these texts, and so I chose to examine this concept as part of my A-level coursework. As an organiser of my school's Literary and Shakespeare Societies, I have tried to explore with others works beyond those prescribed as examination texts. I enjoy writing; as well as editing and writing for my school magazine, I also write creatively, and passed the optional examination in creative writing at A-level. In my spare time, I have also been appointed a volunteer sub-editor on the BBC internet community 'h2g2', a repository of information based on Douglas Adams' vision in his 'Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' series. In this capacity I revise articles submitted for entry to the website, and I have also had several of my own pieces accepted for publication in this manner. My current position as a voluntary worker at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists is also providing me with ample opportunity to practise my writing skills, as my responsibilities involve the writing of publicity material for the gallery.
In addition to my studies, I was also a participant in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, both inside and outside school. I was very much involved in both music and drama; I sang in several school ensembles, as well as playing the viola in both my school Symphony Orchestra and the Birmingham Schools' Concert Orchestra. As part of the latter ensemble I participated in the finals of the 'National Festival of Music for Youth' festival, an experience I found most enjoyable and valuable. I participated in drama both on- and off-stage; one of my most fascinating projects was my task of designing the set for a school production of 'The Crucible' by Arthur Miller. Having previously studied the text in class, I found the challenge of translating the author's written directions to a three-dimensional space most rewarding.
As a result of my general interests and reading, I have developed a wide-ranging general knowledge. I believe that this is of value with regard to my everyday study, but I also employed it competitively as the captain of my school's 'Schools' Challenge' quiz team. I was also involved in competitive debating, representing my school in the 'Youth Parliament' scheme and in the regional finals of the 'Observer Schools' Mace' competition. Outside school, I ice-skate on a regular basis, and this year passed my novice ice-dance tests. I enjoy skating very much, finding it a most exhilarating form of physical activity, as well as allowing me to relax from academic pressures.
I have a passionate interest in the visual arts, in particular drawing and painting. My work has been selected for exhibition at such venues as the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists and the Barber Institute of Fine Arts. I also enter competitions, and have been highly commended in the Society of Amateur Artists' 'Junior Artist of the Year' award, as well as being awarded first prize in the 'Art in Schools' competition organised by the National Art Collections Fund. At present, I am also undertaking a number of professional commissions.
At university I intend to continue my study of English Literature, broadening my knowledge and appreciation of the subject as well as honing my critical skills. I find great satisfaction in the study of literature as I enjoy exploring the various possible interpretations of a text, both my own and those of others, as well as considering the issues raised within them; through such analysis, one can gain insights into the value of a work to different audiences, as well as appreciating the capacity for personal expression through the author's use of language. I firmly believe that I would benefit from the challenges and opportunities offered by the study of the subject at such a level. I also hope to pursue my extra-curricular interests, and that as a result I can contribute to university life."

So what do you think? smiley - smiley

Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 2


I can't believe no one has commented yet.

I liked it.

If you really want criticism, I found this passage a little strained:

'In addition to my studies, I was also a participant in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, both inside and outside school. I was very much involved in both music and drama;....'

I'm not sure what you should have written, though!

Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 3


WOW! How'd you manage to get that all on one page? That MUST have been typed with a VERY small font!


Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 4


WOW! How'd you manage to get that all on one page? That MUST have been typed with a VERY small font!


Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 5

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Nah; 11.5 - you just squash the spacing slightly. smiley - winkeye

Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 6


i thought it could only be a certain number of lines? but i my be wrong, i havemn't had to do one yet...
^. .^
= ' =

Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 7


Well they DO reduce the form in size to 1/4 of original. At least that's what they told me.

Emily's UCAS Personal Statement Mark II

Post 8

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

It's a maximum of 47 lines on the electronic system; on the postal one, it's as much as you can (legibly) get into the box. smiley - winkeye

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