A Conversation for Tyrannosaurus Rex - Dinosaur Superstar

Peer Review: A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Entry: Tyrannosaurus Rex - A5371931
Author: Galaxy Babe - Scout/ACE - U128652

Just for a change - here's one I wrote earlier.

Submitted 21 May

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 2

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

wot, no Mark Bolan ?

smiley - smiley

some comments ....

needs explanation of theropod

the sections .. Dinosaur Discoveries and Fossil Poo

have nowt to do with T rex, but dinos in general and shouldn't be in here.

you could mention things like ... First discoveries of T rex / where most of them are found

the section on scavenger / Predator is just a quote from one side of the argument. it really needs explaning. Perhaps another quote, or more written explaination

In some films of the series, wasn't the Kaiju Godzilla a nuked remains of a t rex

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 3


Raar. Nice one smiley - smiley

I skimmed so forgive me if I missed it, but nothing on -

Rex senses; such as sight, smell, taste. I know it's conjecture, but worth putting in?

Size of teeth? Size compared to a human?

Did it have feathers?

What noise might it have made? Some say it roared, some say it squawked like a crow.


And is it T. rex, T. Rex or even T-rex?

Worth linking to BBC Walking with Dinosaurs? (Or did you already?)

It's morning still waking up. smiley - ok

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Marc Bolan? If you really think he belongs there - I'll add something. *searches* nothing on Marc Bolan or T. Rex the pop group, so I'll add the "Glam Rock" entry which mentions him smiley - smiley

I'll have to take all these points one at a time so please don't think I'm ignoring any.

T.rex in italics because it's Latin?

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 5


ah, but ignorance is bliss smiley - winkeye Or is that a cup of smiley - tea

Nevermind me, I'm in one of THOSE moods.

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

OK I have added Marc Bolan and the realistic robot at the Natural History Museum (which I've seensmiley - doh)

smiley - ok

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Removed "Dinosaur Discoveries" and "Fossil Poo" headers.

Trying to put the title in italics but it won't let me.


A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 8


Don't think you can italicise Entry titles, due to all the skins (pda for example).

Oh, and I'm an Anklyosaurus! Yay! smiley - laugh

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin

Would it be better if I withdrew this and wrote a general entry on dinosaurs using T rex as an example?

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 10

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

'Oh, and I'm an Anklyosaurus! Yay!'

...and I'm an allosaurus smiley - zen

No GB, I don't think you should withdraw this. I'ver had it in mind to write an Entry on the allosaurus for some time.

At some point, s'one could write an over-arching Entry on 'Dinosaurs' smiley - smiley

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 11


Great entry!

I noticed that in the movie section, you say 'Spielsberg' instead of 'Spielberg' - no 's'.

Also, I thought that Jurassic Park only had two sequels instead of three?

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 12

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I commented on this just a day or two ago... wish I could remember where exactly. I think it was in another PR thread.

When did this 'Let's mention whatever we can find that has the subject matter in its name or some flimsy connection to the subject even though it's not really anything to do with what the entry is about' business begin?

I don't think Marc Bolan has any place in this entry. If someone wants to write about him and T Rex they could link back to this entry as the reason for the band's name, but there's no need to devote a (brief, admittedly) section to a band... particularly if the information is incomplete - the band was originally called Tyrannosaurus Rex and was not glam.

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 13


I must admit, I'm keen to write an Entry on my fave - the Stegosaurus, and would be quite happy to do a portal Entry on Dinosaurs at some point, I did it for Fish and that worked alright (I think).

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 14

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I didn't think it did either, but I do listen to the comments of peer reviewers and try to incorporate their views.

I take it you want me to remove it?

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 15

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

It's gone, and I've also attended to 42donpanic's points. The third sequel is due out in 2007 according to IMDb.

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 16

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

the Marc Bolan thing was a joke, sorry for confuzzeling

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 17

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

'I commented on this just a day or two ago... wish I could remember where exactly. I think it was in another PR thread.'

It was on a thread commenting on the PR process itself. Can't foind the link to hyperlink it here. You (or at least, somebody) were saying that many of the 'Fruit' Entries had information that had only a tenuous connection with the fruit itself smiley - smiley

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 18

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

<>smiley - cross

I obviously take PR far too seriously.smiley - erm

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 19

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

'The exhibitors decided against piping in T. rex breath (a rotting-flesh smell) in case the visitors were turned off'.

Reminds me of when New Scientist magazine reported on the opening of the Jorvik Viking Centre (York) some years ago. They said something like, 'There is a reconstruction of a Viking sitting on a thunderbox' encased by a woven wooden screen. The exhibitors fought shy of recreating the authentic smell here and perhaps the only smell discernible here is of modern bleach or disinfectant!! smiley - laugh

A5371931 - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Post 20

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Good informative entry GB smiley - smiley

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