A Conversation for Britney Spears

I don not think I would mind

Post 1

Dr. Destructo

I enjoy robots. I would even say that I enjoy the company of robots. Now, Britney is a robot that I could learn to enjoy the company of. Of corse, she would have to grow up a bit. Perhaps just re-programed with a little more maturity. Oh, considering her robotical state, implants would be natural. It's tough for a young robot to sprout boobs on thier own, so a little help is needed from the scientific community. I am in no way condoneing implants for humans, as they are unnessessary and dangerous. I am fond of a mid size B cup myself. Maybe a large A. What do I know about sizes anyway, I don't read the tag as it falls to the floor....


Post 2


If she is a robot, she is probably the best the best creation of the cyberneticsconcern on Sirius V.

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I don not think I would mind

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