A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback - Feature Suggestions
Black towel idea.
shagbark Started conversation Jan 4, 2002
In my proving ground page I reduced blob B1034259 to a height of 16 and a width of 10. this gives a very good approximation of a
black towel smiley. Now if there was just a way to use in in forums.
We have been told the reason we don't have a towel smiley is that the
artist hasn't found the time. This artwork already exists.
Black towel idea.
h2g2Support Posted Jan 4, 2002
Thanks shagbark, though we'll still produce an original graphic for the smiley, when Sri has time. Putting the effort into creating original material is what makes our smileys so good, after all...
Black towel idea.
shagbark Posted Jan 5, 2002
let's see if this is still on my clipboard.
As I mentioned over on the soapbox on the left
one use for a would be to clean up after
spills(that's Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters)
what do you think of that idea
Black towel idea.
shagbark Posted Jan 8, 2002
Of course I wonder what the h2g2 artists would do with a smiley. that would take a lot oif imagination. Of course there is no shortage of that on h2g2. We have wonderfully imaginative people here.
Black towel idea.
Lord Preston Posted Jan 8, 2002
very good idea... wonderful smiley, hope they get 2 do it soon... but!!!! i always thought the towel would of been a deep blue...
Lord Preston OMFC
Black towel idea.
shagbark Posted Jan 9, 2002
The problem with a deep blue smiley is it doesn't show well in classic goo. You would need one that shows one color in goo and another in alabaster like the moon behind the tree in my personal page. it is red in alabaster and white in goo. Also when fish
ran a poll of SATS members the top vote-getter after discounting Rat's attempts to stuff the box for green was Black. so this is
somewhat the official choice of the SATS. Of course the poll was so
poor in the way it was set up that no color even got 4 votes.
Black towel idea.
Lord Preston Posted Jan 9, 2002
well u can't argue with a poll, they could ofcourse make a towel like Roosters, with the flowers and things...
Lord Preston OMFC
Black towel idea.
shagbark Posted Feb 12, 2002
just for the practice here is a towel
Black towel idea.
Lord Preston Posted Feb 13, 2002
a very angry and irate hitchhiker who has had enough of other hitchhikers and wants 2 cause a big upset in the hitchhiker / towel relations?
Lord Preston OMFC
Key: Complain about this post
Black towel idea.
- 1: shagbark (Jan 4, 2002)
- 2: h2g2Support (Jan 4, 2002)
- 3: shagbark (Jan 5, 2002)
- 4: shagbark (Jan 5, 2002)
- 5: shagbark (Jan 8, 2002)
- 6: Lord Preston (Jan 8, 2002)
- 7: shagbark (Jan 9, 2002)
- 8: Lord Preston (Jan 9, 2002)
- 9: shagbark (Feb 12, 2002)
- 10: Lord Preston (Feb 12, 2002)
- 11: shagbark (Feb 12, 2002)
- 12: Lord Preston (Feb 13, 2002)
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