A Conversation for Editorial Feedback
help me someone please
Mmmm Blood Started conversation Jan 7, 2001
hi look i want to write an entry on voodoo mainly about the voodoo doll but about the rest if the religion as well. could someone help me by telling me if someone has already done one caus i'm trying but i cant seem to work all this out. if someone has already done it or whatever can someone tell me how to add to it or whatever. thanks anyone.
help me someone please
Babylon the Small Posted Jan 8, 2001
try doing a search on your topic from the Guide's main page. if you come up with any Edited entries you should add to them rather than writing one of your own. also it's probably a good idea to do some research in the sense of going out and reading books about it before beginning to write your article. personally I think you should also try to do some if you're writing an article...adds to the authenticity. but I have no idea if it's all right to write a duplicate of a non-Edited entry: if you find this one out please let me know?
help me someone please
Babylon the Small Posted Jan 8, 2001
P.S. there are about seven entries on various aspects of voodoo but none have been Edited or Recommended yet.
help me someone please
Mmmm Blood Posted Jan 8, 2001
thanks, i'll get working on it now, as for the duplicate thing i have no idea either thats why i'm asking around, i'll let you know if i hear anything interesting.
help me someone please
Ashley Posted Jan 10, 2001
Below is a link to a particularly good intro to voodoo
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and it also has links to other sites.
It might be worth a mention of voodoo in Haiti (very strong) and New Orleans and how it came to spread and develop in the Caribbean and the States.
Can't wait to read the finished entry.
help me someone please
Mmmm Blood Posted Jan 10, 2001
cheers the entry is more or less done i have posted it in the hope that people will read and give me any advice on what to add and take away etc. thanks for the link.
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help me someone please
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