A Conversation for Editorial Feedback


Post 1



I would like to improve the first footnote so that it will read:

Play That Barber Shop Chord, words by William Tracey, music by Lewis F. Muir. The chord referred to can be identified from the context as a dominant seventh on the flattened sixth of the scale, Ab7 in the key of C. Pedants call this not a dominant seventh but an augmented sixth, which is how it is spelt out in the piano score: Ab-C-Eb-F. Harmony students know this as the German Sixth..

While we are at it, I would like to add to another footnote in the second paragraph, and shorten its introduction, so it will read:

Shakespeare's friend, the composer Thomas Morley, mentioned in his Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musick a chord progression that 'walketh amongst the barbers' more commonly than any otherInterestingly, the chord progression (or 'ground bass') that he mentions, namely the Quadrant Pavan, also known as the Passamezzo Moderno, is not that very different from the 12-bar blues..

smiley - ta

EF: A87831723 Barbershop Singing

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Hi Recumbentman

Sorry for the delay - I've updated this now, so I hope that's all OK for you.

Strangely, when I Sub-edited the Entry I couldn't find the Entity Type for the Flat symbol, but I found it now so that looks much better smiley - ok

EF: A87831723 Barbershop Singing

Post 3


Thank you very much SashaQ! I never found the flat symbol myself.

Annoying, all the same: though it looks beautiful, entity type #9837 inserts a space before itself, which the # sign doesn't smiley - sigh

EF: A87831723 Barbershop Singing

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - ok

I don't see any extra spaces - I wonder if it is something to do with how different internet browsers handle symbols... I'll check on a different computer later...

EF: A87831723 Barbershop Singing

Post 5


Yes, on both Brunel and (what's the new norm, Pliny?) there is a space between A and the flat symbol. They should be intimate.

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