A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

A1155845 - The House of York at Peace

Post 1

And Introducing... A Leg

I hope this is the right place to bring this up, but I've noticed some editing to the other parts of the five-part series of entries I wrote on the Wars of the Roses. Four of these now have three other entries along the top in small type - I don't object to that at all, in fact I'd have done it myself if I was surer of how.smiley - smiley

What concerns me is that the fourth article, the House of York at Peace, which covers the period between the second and third wars, has not been through this process, and is not included in the list on the other four entries, and I'm worried they might end up in the Edited Guide without part IV (and I tend to think of the Wars of the Roses as more of a single five-part entry than five related entries). I hope this is an oversight, as I'd be sorry to see the Roses articles broken up.

A1155845 - The House of York at Peace

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

It's come back from the sub and is presently with us in-house. It should all be alright!smiley - smiley

A1155845 - The House of York at Peace

Post 3


Has anything survived Bush House unscathed?

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