A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

Problems with A970436

Post 1


I have just finished writing this review:


I have made a couple of mistakes which I would like the editors to fix if they can.

1.) I have mis-spelled Caitlin's surname (it should be O'Shannessy)
2.) Mike Rivers is a Major, not a colonel.
3.) I have cocked up the link to the British Airwolf homepage. I think I have included 'http://' twice!

I hope the editors can sort this out, and so save me further embarrasment with the Airwolf Forum.

Problems with A970436

Post 2


As this article hasn't yet been picked by the editors for inclusion in the Edited Guide, you still have editing rights over it. Hit the 'Edit Entry' button and make your changes smiley - ok

Problems with A970436

Post 3


There isn't an edit entry button.

Problems with A970436

Post 4


Oh wait yes there is.
There isnt in the one aved in my favourites list.

Thank you!!!!

Problems with A970436

Post 5


There must be, you wrote it, therefore you've editing rights.

Look over on the right hand side of the page. Depending upon which skin you're in it will either be a button or just text, and it will say "Edit Entry".

Problems with A970436

Post 6


It won't appear if you aren't logged in, so that might be the problem.

BTW, you might like to change your name to something more interesting in <./>UserDetails</.>/ smiley - smiley


Problems with A970436

Post 7

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

That looks like a great entry so you might like to consider submitting it to be part of the edited guide smiley - ok. To do that you simple need to hit 'Submit for Review' below the edit button on the page and send it off to PeerReview (a that links to something like: SubmitReviewForum?action=submitrequest&h2g2id=970436).

spelugx - a subed scouting for work

Problems with A970436

Post 8

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

I now look like an idiot on two counts since first I forgot some <. />s, but now I find A526150 which is an edited version of that article. smiley - doh

Problems with A970436

Post 9

World Service Memoryshare team

Thanks chaps for helping out smiley - ok

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